Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Inside out Reese's

Inside out Reese's

Inside out Reese's
Back in the olden days, we attempted using chocolate melts to create jello shot cups with lesser success than what you see here. After seeing the most adorable and beautiful recipe in Victoria Belanger's new book, we decided to try it again. So, it turns out the meltables are a lot easier to work with if they are thinned, Vicky B uses vegetable shortening, we used Paramount Crystals, which are basically the same thing.

This technique was super easy, and the great thing about adding the Paramount Crystals is that it made the peanut butter cups so soft like the texture of a real Reese's- and having the jello contained in a cup means you can make a softer, more pudding-like shot since it doesn't have to hold a mold.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

3.14159265 in the Sky

I don't know about you, but I'm a dreamer, not so much a doer.
One of my dreams is to one day be a doer. 

Until that day comes I will meander through this world nurturing irrational dreams. 
In honor of these dreams, which I think we should all have, we present the Pi in the sky.

An homage to our favorite irrational number and our many irrational dreams. 

Pi in the Sky:
The Shot is a Pecan Pi. 
A crust of pecan sandies. (very crumbly) crushed and mixed with melted butter 
 A filling of caramel, crushed pecans, brown sugar, molasses, SCM and Bourbon 
Topped with candied pecan crumbles
*Recipe Below*

If you want more digits (and who doesn't want more digits?)

here is Pi to one Million

Leave us a comment sharing your Pi in the sky dream.
The best Pi in the sky dream (according to our logic) wins a My Jello Americans Wall Calendar.
(See Below)

I'll give an example:
Today I dreamt that I would have this posted exactly at 3:14 eastern time. Needless to say I was saved by the multitude of time-zones giving me a second and third chance. It's 3:14 somewhere, right?

And for more Pie...

Click More for more details on the recipe.

St. Patrick's Day Past

St. Patrick's Day
Creations from the last two years.

Guinness and Vodka, with a Irish Cream "float".

Irish Breakfast Tea, with whiskey, irish cream, with rose whipped cream and sugar pearls.

 Vanilla and almond, with edible glitter. An early, and not so practical creation. 

Green tea infused vodka, with sweetened condensed milk and chocolate chips.

An early one, like the Pot o' Gold, that we should probably revisit. Stay tuunnnned.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Purple Rose of Cairo

Purple Rose of Cairo

Woody Allen's 1985 film served as the inspiration for this recipe. Jello shots like this don't only happen in  the movies, folks!