American By Birth, Southern by a Technicality |
It's really hot here in Philly, and I'm from the South, so I'm some sort of authority on commenting about the weather. It feels like you are submerged in a bowl of ramen noodles. I was waiting for the bus today and had an honest fear that my capillaries would explode, that I would somehow die from heat exposure on my commute.
So, it's way way too hot to jell: it's too hot to leave my air-condioned bedroom (the only air conditioned room in the house), go to the store for ingredients, operate the stove top, or text my landlord about the fridge being broken (okay, I should probably do that soon).
So to tide you over, I'm giving you something from the B-Squad Vault.
The B- Squad are the shots that, for whatever reason, we don't feel are up to snuff, but we completed and photographed regardless. Sometimes we type up a post and save them as blog drafts, unable it press Publish; sometimes they are just things we make for fun (like
the Glass Ceiling) that we don't wanna clutter the blog with.
Either way, here ya go...
e-meter (with blueberries), on Dianetics: Original Thesis. |